4th Circ. Says 'Unfair' Va. Law Forces It To Nix Black Lung Suit
Law360 (November 9, 2020, 6:04 PM EST) -- Holding that the court was bound to interpret Virginia's statute of limitations "as it is, not as we would like it to be," the Fourth Circuit has affirmed a lower court's decision to toss a lung disease-stricken coal miner's claims against respirator companies accused of selling poor-quality breathing equipment.
Stites leader Robert Connolly on how his office manages the state of downtown
Robert Connolly, chairman of Stites & Harbison PLLC, had a godson who was living in the Chinese province of Wuhan as an English teacher in late 2019, before it was the epicenter the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Fed. Circ. Won't Revive Solenis Paper-Making Patent
Law360 (May 26, 2020, 9:34 PM EDT) -- The Federal Circuit on Tuesday upheld a Patent Trial and Appeal Board decision that struck down a Solenis Technologies LP paper-making patent for being obvious, finding that the board properly analyzed the claims and backed its conclusions with "substantial evidence."
PTAB Axes Bulk Of Possible Cancer Treatment Patent In PGR
Law360 (March 20, 2020, 4:47 PM EDT) -- The Patent Trial and Appeal Board has invalidated the overwhelming majority of claims Hybrigenics SA challenged in a Forma Therapeutics Inc. patent for a potential cancer treatment for lack of written description support, while at the same time upholding a single claim.
No-fault insurance in Kentucky
House Bill 151, “An Act Relating to Insurance Fraud,” was signed by the Kentucky Governor on March 26, 2019 and went into effect on June 27, 2019.
Design Thinking for Litigators
Design thinking is considered by its adherents to be a “systematic approach to innovation and problem solving that is, fundamentally: user centered, experimental, responsive, intentional, and tolerant of failure.”
Healthcare facilities construction contracts
The demand for cutting-edge healthcare facilities, while varied by community, tends to rise or remain consistent despite changes in the economy and the availability of the significant capital necessitated by such projects. This creates a unique challenge in both the medical and construction industries.
Exploring the Alternatives: Courts and Clients Increasingly Look to Mediation and Arbitration in Resolving Disputes
In recent years, as courts have become more congested and business dealings have grown more complex, mediation and arbitration have grown in both prevalence and popularity as alternatives for civil litigation, both locally and across the country.