Law Students
We are no longer accepting applications for summer associate positions for the upcoming summer.
Do you have what it takes to join our firm?
We are looking for students who exhibit the skillsets and ambition to deliver The Ten Imperatives of Client Service.
The Firm works to identify and bring to the firm individuals with the intellectual tools, motivation, and value system required to succeed in a professional atmosphere that stresses:
- practice excellence
- hard work
- mutual respect
- teamwork, and
- collegiality.
Law students and entry-level candidates are interviewed by members of our local recruiting committee members.
OCI/Resume Drop Schools
The firm complies with all NALP interview and hiring guidelines. Visit the NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process to review those guidelines.
We attend job fairs and recruit on-campus at various law schools throughout the Southeast. We also welcome qualified applicants to apply with us directly. Please submit your resume, cover letter indicating in which office(s) you are interested in working, transcript, and a writing sample demonstrating legal analysis to:
Susan Nalley ([email protected])
Recruiting Manager
400 West Market Street, Suite 1800
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Summer Associate Program
Program Dates:
May 13 - July 19, 2024 (mandatory orientation date of May 13 in Louisville office)
Work Assignments
We do not use a formal rotation system. Work requests and observation opportunities are submitted by the attorneys and you will have the chance to select the requests that fit in with your workload and time constraints. We also require two writing samples throughout the summer (mid/end).
Our firm places a high value on an individual's ability to receive and utilize constructive criticism effectively. Summer associates will be provided written evaluations by the assigning attorney for each completed assignment. In addition, mid and end summer in-person reviews are conducted.
Associate volunteers act as mentors to the summer associates. They provide guidance about a variety of issues including:
- Office operations
- Firm culture
- "Real Life" as an associate
- Work product expectations
- Practice areas
Summer Activities for 2023
Here are a few of the events hosted in various offices during the summer program:
- Happy Hours
- Habitat for Humanity Build
- Putt-Putt Tournament
- Nashville Sounds game
- Softball league
- Attend Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Oral Arguments
- Associate-only party