Business Services

Corporate General Services

Stites & Harbison provides advice on corporate and commercial matters to a number of the region's leading businesses. The firm's lawyers understand the importance of knowing their client's business. The firm advises its clients on business structure, labor, employment and employee benefit matters. Stites & Harbison's lawyers have dealt with venture capital, private placements, initial public offerings, recapitalization and various forms of debt and equity issues. Working closely with accountants and other professional advisors, the firm offers its clients the benefits of its experience with business entities of varying sizes, market segments and stages of growth. The firm's lawyers have considerable experience with private entrepreneurs and growth-oriented companies during their transition from small, closely-held enterprises to large, publicly-held ones. As a result, Stites & Harbison understands how to assist clients in raising any additional capital required for growth and acquisition strategies.

Our corporate attorneys have experience handling sophisticated transactions for leading businesses in a variety of industries. This experience includes:

  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Trade Association Law
  • Securities
  • Corporate Governance and Disclosure
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Client Alerts

Key Employee Compensation Alternatives

Many companies struggle with how to best compensate and incentivize their key employees. Salary and short-term bonuses alone may not be sufficient. Many key employees seek to be rewarded for their long-term efforts and to share in any increase in value of the company. Andy Jacobs takes a look at the most common means adopted by companies in this Stites & Harbison Client Alert.

by Andrew R. Jacobs April 08, 2024
Client Alerts

Retirement Plans: How to Guard Against Fiduciary Liability

In recent years, we have seen more and more ERISA class action claims against retirement plan sponsors and committees for breach of fiduciary duty. In the past, such claims were generally only made against very large plans but we are starting to see claims against smaller plans. The primary allegation is often that the fiduciaries failed to seek the lowest fees available or put another way the fiduciaries were “asleep at the wheel.” By one report, 463 lawsuits have been filed over the last eight years claiming fiduciaries failed to obtain the lowest available fees. Lexington office attorney Andy Jacobs takes a look at the issues in this Stites & Harbison Client Alert.

by Andrew R. Jacobs March 28, 2024