Intellectual Property & Technology

Biotechnology/Life Sciences

Stites and Harbison's Biotechnology/Life Sciences Law Group includes highly experienced and dedicated attorneys focused on intellectual property protection of all aspects of biotechnology and life sciences. These include genetic engineering, immunology, monoclonal antibodies, medical devices, diagnostics, therapeutics, genetic markers, and pharmaceuticals.

The Intellectual Property (IP) members of the Biotechnology/Life Sciences Law Group have extensive backgrounds in biotechnology and related fields, including work in research laboratories, experience with Patent Examination for the USPTO, and advanced degrees, and/or technical experience in fields such as microbiology and immunology, biology, and pharmacology and cell biophysics.

The Biotechnology/Life Sciences Law Group represents a full range of clients in the biotechnological arts, ranging from major companies and universities through a number of smaller start-up businesses.

In addition to patent prosecution, the Biotechnology/Life Sciences group counsels clients on all matters relating to domestic and international intellectual property issues. This includes issues relating to infringement, validity, and freedom to operate. Our group also has deep experience in litigation, and has handled cases involving biotechnological inventions in both federal and state courts.

Stites & Harbison distinguishes itself by having ongoing relationships with intellectual property firms throughout the world. This gives our clients access to highly skilled international intellectual property counsel wherever and whenever needed.

In addition to offices in the major Southeastern cities of Atlanta, Lexington, Louisville, and Nashville, our strategically located office in Alexandria, Virginia, allows Stites & Harbison attorneys to have in-person visits with Patent Examiners at the United States Patent & Trademark Office to discuss cases and advance our clients' positions.

Examples of recent biotechnology/life sciences patents issued with Stites & Harbison patent attorneys as counsel include the following:

Biotechnology/Life Sciences is part of Stites & Harbison's larger, Intellectual Property and Technology (IPT) group, which includes more than 20 attorneys – many of whom are Registered U.S. Patent Attorneys – with experience spanning all technical disciplines. Our IPT group uses a team approach to provide clients with comprehensive intellectual property services. Our attorneys practice throughout the nation and the world in the areas of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing, computer software, e-commerce and intellectual property litigation.

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Navigating Artificial Intelligence in PR and Communications

Date: 3/21/24
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Flash Cube Building, 9300 Shelbyville Road, 2nd Floor Community Room, Louisville, KY

The March PRSA Program entitled "Navigating Artificial Intelligence in PR and Communications," is a panel discussion surrounding the utilization of AI in communications and will feature Stites & Harbison IP attorney, Nick Stewart, who is a Registered Patent Attorney.

Gary N. Stewart (Nick) March 08, 2024